10x your User Experience
100x your Business Growth

Built for B2C & User first businesses, Skale-IT helps you uncover opportunities for your growth with AI powered user interviews on your platform.

Skale-IT helps you to grow your business

Increase revenue by understanding user needs

Elevate your revenue streams by grasping user needs better through insightful data analysis and customer feedback integration.

Grow engagement with your users

Foster deeper connections and boost engagement levels with your users through targeted interactions and personalized experiences.

Grow repeat purchase behavior

Cultivate a loyal customer base and encourage repeat purchases by delivering exceptional value and tailored shopping experiences.

Increase personalization by improved UX and user first roadmap

Enhance user satisfaction and brand loyalty by prioritizing user experience and implementing data-driven personalization strategies.

Integrate with your favorite tools

Pay as you go plan
  • Unlimited internal responses
  • Unlimited apps
  • 20 user sessions free every month
  • 1 free seat per account
  • 0.25 USD per session
  • 5 USD per extra seat per month
Have higher usage